Hair thinning and loss over time is considered relatively normal in men. Most people are knowledgeable about male pattern baldness due to many males choosing to take it in stride while numerous companies hawk remedies to the rest.
It is less common for society to discuss this problem openly when it concerns women. That is in spite of the fact that 50 percent of women will experience excessive thinning or balding in their lifetime.
There are a few medical reasons for excessive hair loss, but one of the most insidious is stress. Elevated stress hormone levels alone can disrupt the hair growth cycle and provoke shedding. Otherwise, stress can indirectly affect other conditions that lead to hair loss. The following article will describe the connection between hair thinning/balding and stress.
The Link Between Stress and Hair Loss
The reason stress can affect hair loss is due to the hormone cortisol. Feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed because of life circumstances or mental illness will release excess cortisol. Cortisol is the “fight-or-flight” hormone.
Vertebrates like us evolved this response to stress because, in high-pressure situations, it can make you more alert and capable of survival. However, we are not biologically equipped to cope with high cortisol levels for more than brief periods. Frequent episodes of high stress or prolonged periods of it can start to cause damage to our bodies.
As it pertains to hair, too much cortisol for too long may cause hair follicles to enter the resting phase prematurely. This phase is when hairs are most susceptible to falling out. And with new growth interrupted, the higher-than-usual losses can lead to hair thinning or even bald patches.
How to Address Hair Loss from Stress
You cannot always prevent hair loss from stress since it is impossible to predict when an anxiety-inducing event or set of circumstances will crop up. However, one way to approach the problem is to adopt techniques designed to counteract stressful emotions and resulting high cortisol levels directly. To manage stress in your life, you might try:
- Regularly practice relaxation methods such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness training.
- Getting enough exercise. That is one of the most powerful, natural methods of alleviating stress.
- Getting enough positive social interaction to avoid the stress-inducing effects of loneliness.
- Making sure you get adequate sleep – sleep problems worsen anxiety and mental health.
- Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet to ensure your body and mind has everything it needs to function optimally.
Of course, sometimes lifestyle changes are not sufficient, in which case it may be advisable to consult with a doctor about alternative treatments. Professionals may suggest products that can help boost hair growth, like shampoos and conditioners or hair loss tablets. According to Oxford Online Pharmacy, “All hair loss treatments work to stimulate the growth of new hairs, strengthen existing hairs and reduce thinning.”
While hair loss due to stress is itself challenging to experience, keep in mind that it is not usually permanent. It can be stopped or reversed with better habits and targeted treatments.