Cannabinoids, more commonly known as cannabinoids, are a group of compounds found in various plants. These compounds interact with the cannabinoid receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is a biochemical system that is found in the human body and maintains homeostasis. It is responsible for regulating mood, pain sensation, appetite, and other functions. When these receptors interact with cannabinoids, it triggers a chain reaction that affects various parts of the brain—including memory, motor skills, and general thinking ability. A lot has been said about delta-8-THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the most psychoactive cannabinoid and all other cannabinoids being less. However, this may not be entirely true for some cannabinoids like delta-8. Here’s everything you need to know about delta-8 A Natural Cannabinoid.
What is Delta-8?
Delta-8 is one of the many cannabinoids that are found in Cannabis sativa, a plant that contains both CBD and THC cannabinoids. Delta-8 is a monoterpene that can be found in various plants like mint, parsley, and apple. Delta-8 is an alcohol that is found in low levels in leaf and low levels in high levels in the flowers of Cannabis sativa. This cannabinoid has psychoactive properties, but it is not as potent as delta-9 THC. Delta-8 is best known for being a natural antioxidant and bioactive compound that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Is Delta-8 A Natural Cannabinoid?
Yes, Delta-8 is a natural cannabinoid that is found in many plants. This cannabinoid is found in high levels in the flowers of Cannabis sativa, but it can also be found in low levels in certain other plants like apple and mint. Delta-8 is not as potent as THC and it does not get people stoned as THC does. It does, however, help with inflammation and it has antioxidant properties—making it a great cannabinoid to include in your diet.
Benefits of Delta-8
Delta-8 is one of the cannabinoids that has been studied the most due to its natural properties. It has antioxidant properties that make it great for the skin and it can help with acne and acne scars. It can also help with skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, it can also be used to help with joint pain and conditions like arthritis. It can also be used to help with sleep quality. Delta-8 is a natural antioxidant and it can be used to fight inflammation. It can help with depression and anxiety and it can also be used to improve memory.
Side effects of Delta-8
As with all cannabinoids, it is best to start with a low dose and work your way up to a high dose if you notice undesirable side effects. Most people do not experience side effects when taking Delta-8. However, if you are sensitive you may experience nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, or irritation of the mouth and throat. Some people experience anxiety when they first start taking cannabinoids, but this usually subsides after a while. Similarly, if you are feeling anxious while taking Delta-8, you can try reducing your dose or try consuming it in a different form (e.g. oil).
How to Take Delta-8?
This cannabinoid can be consumed orally or via inhalation. When consuming delta-8 orally, the recommended dosage is 1-3mg. You can consume this cannabinoid in foods like apples and mint or in drinks like tea, coffee, and sports drinks. When consuming delta-8 via inhalation, the recommended dose is 2-5mg every 30 minutes for 2-3 hours. You can consume delta-8 via inhalation by mixing it with a carrier oil like hemp seed or jojoba oil and inhaling it via a vaporizer or by mixing it with water, glycerin, and honey and placing it in a nebulizer machine.
Delta-8 is a natural cannabinoid that has been studied and used for thousands of years. Delta-8 is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that can be used to fight inflammation and it can also help with pain and sleep quality. It is best to start with a low dose and work your way up when taking delta-8 since it is not as potent as THC and it can cause nausea and other side effects in some people.