The incredible and healthy benefits of CBD

In recent years, scientific studies on the therapeutic properties of CBD have multiplied, both in humans and animals. These studies agreed that CBD patients improve significantly compared to others without developing side effects. CBD is now widely available to purchase in the shop or online, safely and legally. Justbob is a CBD supplier providing excellent quality CBD oils and products. Read further to discover all the benefits of CBD.


In addition to being a potent anti-inflammatory and antidepressant, cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a natural anxiolytic effective against various anxiety disorders. Unlike the other famous cannabinoid found in hemp, THC, CBD does not possess any psychoactive properties that could instead aggravate the symptoms of anxious people. Cannabis, therefore, in which THC is present, should be avoided by subjects suffering from pathological anxiety if they do not want to worsen their conditions. On the contrary, CBD-based products guarantee the calming effect of the Cannabis Sativa plant while allowing you to maintain your lucidity.

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But how does CBD act on the body to relieve stress and anxiety? The CBD molecules interact with some receptors in our brain, such as CB1R (Cannabinoid type 1), 5-HT1A and GPR55, which are responsible for the production of serotonin and dopamine, the hormones that promote good mood and attenuate our anxieties. When they interact with CBD, these receptors intensify the so-called “happiness hormones” production and reduce our stress.


Let us talk science

One of the most recent studies was published in August 2022 in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and was conducted by the Australian Orygen Institute, specializing in mental health for young people aged 15 to 25. Young participants with severe anxiety experienced a 42.6% reduction in their anxiety following 12 weeks of CBD therapy. In another study conducted in 2020 by New Zealand researchers on a sample of adults suffering from various pathologies, including anxiety disorders, equally positive results emerged. After three weeks of CBD therapy, 70% of participants were satisfied, on a scale from good to excellent, and noticed improvements in their quality of life.

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How to use CBD to fight anxiety

Cannabidiol is used by more and more people who wish to combat anxiety symptoms. Those who use it declare to feel a sensation of calm, lightness, and muscle relaxation. Concentration also improves, as CBD calms the vortex of negative thoughts that obsessively drags anxious people. However, the most lasting effect must be sought in the long term and following regular intake. CBD acts as a sedative and can be taken during anxiety peaks with an immediate effect. However, with prolonged intake over time, anxiety crises will become increasingly rare and may disappear.


Frequency and dosage

Since CBD is not a drug, there are no general instructions, and the dosage will depend on individual needs. Its use can be limited to moments when anxiety becomes more acute. In case of generalized anxiety, however, it is recommended to take 3-5 drops of 12% CBD oil twice a day regularly. The administration of the drops, which are applied under the tongue, takes a few seconds. CBD oil can be taken at any time of the day.

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Are there any contraindications?

Since it is a natural extract, CBD does not cause the side effects of a drug. Like other natural herbs, but also vitamins and minerals, it can, however generate some minor side effects, including dry mouth, tiredness, appetite alteration or a lowering of blood pressure. Based on the studies, only a fraction of the test participants developed undesirable effects. If other drug-based therapies are followed, it is always advisable to consult a doctor to ensure that the treatment is compatible with CBD. Without studies on the matter, it is generally recommended to avoid consuming CBD during pregnancy.


How to use CBD for the body

So, from a psychological point of view, CBD products have a relaxing and anti-stress effect. People who are not under constant pressure are more likely to take time out for leisure activities. Stress reduction makes doing sports and exercise more enjoyable. The effect on the body is a greater sense of well-being. But how about from a physical point of view? What is CBD’s effect on the body? Well, as many CBD products are topical and can be applied directly on the skin, it has been found that CBD has an effect in the following ways:

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  • anti-inflammatory
  • promotes better sleep
  • strengthens the immune system
  • relieves pain
  • relax your muscles



CBD improves performance and physical condition by interacting with these mental and physical factors. You can follow this link to learn more about how athletes and sportspeople are using CBD to boost their performance and in reducing recovery time. Increased activity promotes psychophysical well-being and, therefore, also counteracts tiredness. So, in summary, CBD does not only provide you with healthy benefits, but it also encourages healthy habits, like improved sleep, relaxed mood, healthy appetite ate and reduce pain. Incorporating CBD products in your daily life will only bring forth positive changes. Make sure to start with a low dose first, and always purchase CBD from a verified provider.

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